Season batting average dropped by 0.204 San Diego lost 0-8


Kim Ha-seong (29), the starting shortstop for the U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB) San Diego Padres, was silent again. The season's batting average was in danger of collapsing into the .200 range.

Ha-seong Kim started as the 8th hitter and shortstop in the '2024 MLB' home game against the Colorado Rockies held at Petco Park in San Diego, California, USA on the 16th (Korean time) and recorded no hits in 3 at-bats.

Ha-Seong Kim, who had hit a hit for the first time in three games the previous day, was unable to maintain his momentum on this day. His season batting average fell from 0.208 to 0.204. If he does not hit a hit against the Atlanta Braves on the 18th, his batting average may fall to 100.

Ha-seong Kim failed to target Colorado left-hander Austin Gomber.

In the third inning, with one out and no runners on base, he pushed Gomber's 82.6 mile per hour (approximately 132.9 km) slider, but it was caught by right fielder Jake Cave. In the 5th inning, with 2 outs and runners on first base, Gomber hit a 76.7 mile per hour (approximately 123.4 km) knuckle curve, but this time it was only a fly ball to right field.

Even the opportunity to score was lost. In the 7th inning, with 2 outs and runners on 1st and 3rd base, Kim Ha-seong kicked up right-hander sidearm Justin Lawrence's 96.5 mph (approximately 155 km) sinker, but it headed to right field again.

Meanwhile, San Diego (22-24), who had only 4 hits, was defeated 0-8 by Colorado (15-28), losing all three games in a row. 일본야동